I programme I watched when I was a child

Today I'd like to tell you about I programme I watched when I was a child. The show is called " Brandy and the Mr. Whiskers". This programme is about two animals,, a dog called Brandy is a pet and she come of a refined family from Miami. Furthermore Mr. Whiskers is a rabbit ordinary that lived in zoo, laboratory and like a pet and a few suburban houses. Both met in the load plane whith destination to Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. But for carelessness of Mr. Whiskers he activated the lever and both fell down in the Amazonas jungle. When I was I child the show used to be broadcast every day at 6 or 7 am. I enjoyed to see ths programme because it was very funny when Mr. Whiskers make enfuriate to Brandy and this show it was only mahe me wake up to go to school..