Something I did last week

 Today I talk about I did last weekend. I went to "Biblioteca Nacional. I did this on Tuesday at 4pm and I went alone. I like meet new place and this place is so beautiful and quiet. I enjoyed walking the halls of this place. I meet the study room and it is great because you have your own lamp, however, you keep your backpack in the lockers. Also, I meet the newspaper room where I signed up on the library page to check out  books and many more things. Besides, in this room the attendants who attended me let me see a newspaper with the date I was born and had something completely unexpected hahaha. There is also the room of music, prints, and others rooms that I could not get into because the library was to close soon and I could not go to the fourth floor because it was under renovation. 

Furthertmore, the architecture, with marble stairs and the shapes of the railing.Also. I see the big woodendoors, as well the hight columns and arches, the beautiful stained glass windows and the statues of people I did not know. Including the walk to and from home to the library, I took me almost 3 hours.




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