
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022


When I was a child I loved to see videos of people dancing and how they connected the moves with the music and how make me feel, so I  dreamed of being to a professional dancer in ballet and hip hop. I know, these types of dances its so different, but both show a power  in their own way.   Then, when I grow up I started to like math so I thing that engineering it would be a good option to study, but I wasn't too sure, so I decided to remove this option. I was long time looking a career that make me happy but I couldn't find. In my second year of "bachillerato" I decided to study arquitecture because it mixed art and math wich are my two favourite subjects. Until now, my experience in the univesity has been good and most of the time I enjoy to learning new things but sometimes I think  if  it  was the rigth choise.


 Hello, my name is Camila Díaz. I´m from Los Andes, Chile but I was born in Llay Llay. I like to listen to music and reading novels. Rigth now, I live in Santiago because my university is there and I´m study arquitecture. I have two dogs, Brooke and Mack. Besides, I have two youngers siblings Lukas and Mateo.   My hometown is so bored because only have one square, one park and few stores, also, it is very hot.  When I was a child my family and me traveled to Chillán to visit my grandmother. She lived in the countryside, we ate lots of barbecues and she tell us stories about her paranormal experiences. Also, in the nigth we could heard footsteps in the house.